9 Ways You Can Eliminate Your Dog’s Bad Breath

Uncategorized Aug 01, 2018

1. Get the correct diagnosis from your VET

You can only determine how to treat your pet after you have received an accurate diagnosis from your vet. You’ll want to ensure that you take your dog on regular checkups to the veterinarian. This way he or she can monitor your dog’s teeth and breathe very closely.

It will also ensure that you catch any related underlying health issues during the early stages, thus increasing your chances of fighting the disease.

If your dog’s bad breath is as a result of its diet then you may want to consider finding new “breath friendly” foods.

If plaque is to blame, then your veterinarian may conduct a procedure to remove the plaque.

If there is a more serious cause, such as a metabolic or gastrointestinal disease, then it’s important that you consult with your vet regularly to ensure he gets the best care.

2. Proper Oral Hygiene

Proper hygiene at home may improve your dog’s bad breath and prevent health issues that could create even greater problems.
Starting while he is still a pup is generally the best time to introduce him to proper oral health care.

Making a habit of brushing your dog’s teeth daily is a good way to combat bad breath. Coconut oil, cinnamon, and tea tree oil are natural substitutes that you can use instead of store bought toothpaste.

Try and stay away from products that are not 100% and contain artificial preservatives and dyes.
With proper oral hygiene your dog’s teeth and gums can remain strong and healthy and the chances of your dog having bad breath will be significantly reduced.

3. Grape Seed Extract

Caution– use only grape SEED extract. The flesh of grapes can be toxic to dogs due to its high fructose content.

Veterinarians say that grape seed contains condensed tannin’s, a powerful antioxidant also known as proanthocyandidins that helps to combat bacteria build-up in the mouth and other body areas.

Researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) have also backed up what many veterinarians have thought for years. After conducting a recent study they have revealed that grape seed extract can be effective at fighting various health issues, including gum disease and the formation of dental plaque.

4. Grapefruit Seed Oil Extract

Grapefruit SEED offers tremendous benefits not only to dogs but other animals as well. The University of Georgia found that grapefruit seed oil is effective at preventing the spread of bacterial infections, including those caused by Escherichia (E. Coli). E. coli is a bacteria that is commonly found in the intestines and it can contribute to bad breath.

Aside from helping with bacterial infections, grapefruit oil is also very effective for external wounds, skin diseases, plus parasitic or fungal infections. Other benefits include; detoxifying and enhancing your dog’s immune system; reducing oral inflammation; helping to maintain normal acid levels in the blood; and providing them with added vitamin C which can help oral sores to heal faster.

Treating your dog’s bad breath with grapefruit seed extract is really easy. Just add it to their existing bedtime routine. To use, dilute six drops of grapefruit seed extract in roughly five ounces of water. Apply it to a Q-tip and use it to rub across your dog’s gum and teeth.

5. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil was a staple in our ancestor’s health care regime dating all the way back to 1,000 BC in Egypt. It is also one of the oldest oils to appear in records of Japanese and Chinese health care.

Due to its versatility, the oil is often used orally and topically in a number of cultures for treating various ailments. The most noticeable benefits include enhancing energy and clearing the respiratory tract.

To treat your dog’s bad breath, try putting a drop of peppermint oil into his water bowl daily.

6. Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil is very effective for treating indigestion, which is one of the major causes of bad breath in dogs. It’s also been documented throughout history for treating mental issues related to memory loss and also joint and muscles injuries.

Because of its antioxidant properties, it can help to neutralize cell-damaging free radicals in your dog’s body. It removes oral bacteria, prevents plaque build-up, gum diseases, and it helps to release enzymes to combat bad breath.

Simply add a few drops of rosemary oil to your dog’s water daily.
If he does not like the taste, apply it directly to underneath his tongue.

7. Neem Seed Oil

Neem seed oil is a product that comes from the seeds of the Azadirachtaindica tree found in Africa and India. The oil combats fungal and bacterial diseases as well as inflammation of the gums plus prevents plaque build-up on their teeth.

Giving neem seed oil to your dog can also enhance your dog’s immune system.

Add a drop or two to your dog’s food weekly.

8. Thyme Oil

Thyme has long been used in the Mediterranean for its medicinal benefits. It contains one of the most powerful antioxidants and is thus very effective at fighting against bad breath caused by bacterial growth. Thyme oil may also help to remove excess toxins from the body that promote bad breath.

Natural thyme oil can be bought at different supermarkets but you can also prepare it at home. To prepare, gather a fresh handful of thyme. Wash and crush the thyme using a pestle then add to 1 cup of natural coconut and olive oil. Using a saucepan, combine the ingredients over medium heat and leave to sit for about 5 minutes until it comes to a boil. Leave the oil to cool then add to your dog’s food at least three times weekly to fight off your dog’s bad breath.

9. Juverin Food Booster

It is important that your dog get all the nutrition he needs to stay healthy. That is why we recommend you sprinkle Juverin onto his food once daily. This will help stabilize his digestion and immune system and keep his breath smelling sweet!


On a closing note, it’s important that all dog owners understand the importance of proper hygiene when dealing with bad breath. Brushing your dog’s teeth is the easiest way to prevent plaque build-up and stop bad breath before it starts. It’s always best to use natural products as opposed to chemically processed pet toothpaste; under no circumstances should you use human toothpaste to brush your dog’s teeth.

Grapefruit extract and other natural remedies mentioned above can be used to spike your dog’s drinking water to improve their breath. It will work similar to your daily mouthwash but is much safer.

Lastly, ensure that you visit your veterinarian regularly and give your dog the attention he or she warrants.

Remember, a healthy dog never has bad breath.

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